Why are Dementia Friendly Clocks Important?


People with dementia often lose the ability to recognize what time it is and whether it’s day or night.

As dementia progresses, routine and structure is made more imperative to everyday life and without these time-telling skills, we can quickly become disorientated, anxious and confused

As a result, a new kind of clock specially designed for people with dementia is making a splash in the dementia community.

What benefits are there to using a dementia clock?

  • Helps to ease confusion

As dementia progresses so does a person’s memory and problem-solving abilities.

For example, being able to keep track of current times or dates becomes harder which can lead to confusion and disorientation.

A dementia clock can help differentiate the different parts of the day and also help with telling the time.

  • Increased independence

Some dementia clocks can come attached to reminder boards where important information can be displayed.

This can help to aid independence.

  • Provides a regular routine

A dementia clock can help keep routines on track and which can reduce anxiety and agitation.

Credited to:https://findmemorycare.co.uk/

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